Monday, June 1, 2009

Video Break: Francesca blows up about Joba, podcast update

A Yankee caller thought Joba Chamberlain was a good starter. Let's just say Mike doesn't feel the same way...

Heard about this while listening to the BS Report podcast with Jack-O and Dave Jacoby (two of my favorite guests on Simmons' podcast). So, being the curious cat that I am, I checked it out on YouTube and was quite surprised. I've actually become kind of a newborn fan with the "Mike and the Mad Dog" radio show and was only able to catch it during its tail end. I mostly have listened to archives and I must say I'm very disappointed that a.) I didn't live in the East Coast and b.) that I didn't know about the show for so long. Another disappointing thing too with their breakup is that they both really have struggled with their own respective radio shows. Mike seems to be making up for Mad Dog's absence and the YouTube video above shows that he has gone a little "Mad Dog-ish". As far as Russo, I don't know. I've listened to a couple of his Sirius shows and really haven't been that impressed. Maybe it will get better, but so far, I'm just not that optimistic about it.

Speaking of radio shows, a new episode of the podcast is up. I get my former Bulletin colleague and the recently engaged Steven Sandberg on the line and we get to talking about a variety of subject, mostly venting on how bad the NBA draft is going to be. It's a pretty good one I think, and there is a lot of good stuff in there. You can check it out on the sidebar of this blog, where it will link you directly to the podbean hosting site. You can also subscribe to it with ITunes at the Podbean page. Thanks again to Steve for coming on and doing the podcast.

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